Zarah Bruhn

Female Founder
Impact Leader
Diversity Voice

Visionary. Passionate. Bold.

Supporting companies & leaders to become the very best version of themselves. Working towards a strong economy, that serves environment and society.

About me
Erfolgreichste Gründerinnen

The Playbook Podcast

The guide for building a new economy

Listen to leaders & learn how they build an economy, that serves society and environment.

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Raising my voice for Diversity, Impact and Female Founder

I am passionate about system change and a strong public advocate for more diversity in companies.  At the same time, I am engaged in the start-up scene for social entrepreneurship, new work and female founder. In my articles and in the press I share my founder an diversity expertise to set new impulses in the public discourse.

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Weltfrauentag: 7 erfolgreiche Gründerinnen aus Deutschland

Anlässlich des heutigen internationalen Weltfrauentags hat German Entrepreneurship (Betreiber des vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie finanzierten German Accelerator sowie des Accelerators des LMU Entrepreneurship Centers in München) 7 Gründerinnen aus dem Alumni-Pool ausgewählt, die mit ihren Startups beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte geschrieben haben.

Geflüchtete und Integration: Wie Zarah Bruhn den gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Wandel vorantreibt.

Social Start-ups: „Wir brauchen eine neue Gewinnformel!” | enorm

Book for Speaking Events & Workshops

Passionate to raise my voice in diverse topics, in fireside chats, creative workshops, online panels, and 1:1s.

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Erfolgreichste Gründerinnen

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What I learned from founding a social startup during a crisis – twice

The week when the corona crisis really hit hard in Germany, we had to send our company into short-term work. I felt awful. It felt wrong.

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